
Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United Arab Emirates


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    中国石油天然气管道局(CPP)与中国石油工程建设公司(CPECC)共同承建该项目。此项目合同额为32.9亿美元。阿布扎比原油管道项目又称为哈布善-富查伊拉管道项目,业主是隶属于布扎比政府的国际石油投资公司(IPIC)。该管道始于哈布善,止于富查伊拉,全长380公里,直径为48英寸,设计输量每日150万桶(MMBPD),通过添加减阻剂该管道的最大输送能力可以达到每日180万桶( MMBPD),一旦突破每日180万桶,该管道的石油输送量将占阿联酋石油输送的大约67%左右。



China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation (CPECC) was selected as the EPC contractor for the project in November 2008. The contract was valued at $3.29bn. The EPC contract was carried out jointly by CNPC and China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau.

The Abu Dhabi crude oil pipeline project, also known as the Habshan-Fujairah pipeline, was initiated by the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), which is owned by the Abu Dhabi Government.


The pipeline originates at Habshan and ends at Fujairah, UAE, covering a distance of 380km. The 48in-diameter pipeline is designed to export about 1.5 million metric barrels a day (MMBPD) of crude oil, equivalent to more than half of the UAE's total crude oil export. The pipeline's maximum capacity, however, can be increased to 1.8MMBPD at a later stage. Once the pipeline is upgraded to its total intended capacity of 1.8 mmbpd, it will account for transport of approximately 67% of the country’s oil capacity.


It was fully operational in June 2012, which promises to change the way oil is transported from the Middle East and reflects positively on the stability of oil and gas supply.